(10) The Notice of Agreement in Point 9 (b) must be filed with the Registrar of Basic Securities in the same way that a notice of authorization can be filed, and Section 503 [Notice of Authorization of the Basic Title] applies. 522 As part of a progressive development contract, the following points must be available to the public consultation system during normal business hours in local government offices: (a) enter into an agreement for the provision of work by the municipality or promoter; (b) to impose, in whole or in part, a formula for collecting construction costs on property owners in the contracted area; 520 (1) This section applies to an application for subdivision authorization under section 85 [time for approval and consideration of the public interest] of the Basic Title Act for areas subject to a phased development agreement. 510 (1) Subject to this section and Section 516 (3) h) and (4) [Phased Development Rules] a landowner who will be subdivided must certainly have other pitfalls to the owner`s choice, and I am not a lawyer, so there may be discrepancies in my interpretation of the wording and intent of the act. , but so I saw it successfully in the return trip. If in doubt, read the deed (october 2008 excerpt below) and seek advice from a lawyer. (b) if the proponent is required to provide for work under the agreement, provide payment to the promoter of the fees collected by the municipality for owners located in the territory provided for in this section, and (b) assist the Board of Education and local authorities in reaching agreement on the proposed eligible requirements for the school. 2. When the use of a building or other structure located on designated surfaces in a phased development agreement pursuant to Section 12 [phase development agreements], a land use regulation covered in paragraph 516, paragraph 2 [Zoning rules for areas subject to the agreement] applies to the phased development agreement, subsection 1 of this section does not apply to the building or any other structure , as long as the development agreement is in force. , unless (2) If the phased development agreement provides for minor changes, the local government may accept a minor amendment by decision. (a) 5% of the proposed subdivision acreage for an individual subdivision application within the land on which the phased application of the development agreement is applicable, and (a) the subsequent owner is indicated in the agreement, 9) royalties for late connections or use within the meaning of the subsection (5) c) must be collected during the period beginning with the conclusion of excess or extended services. , until a date must be agreed upon by the owner and the local government and, if no agreement has been reached, until a date set under the Commercial Arbitration Act, but no 15-year fee from the date of service performance. 3. The following should not be considered minor changes to the progressive development agreement: ”specified subdivision status”: a provision of a subdivision regulation, which is defined in section 516, paragraph 2, for a progressive development agreement; 4.
A progressive development agreement should not require the local government to extend or renew a progressive development agreement or to conclude a progressive development agreement for the same development at a later date. (4) An amendment to a progressive development agreement other than a minor amendment must be adopted by a statute and sections 515 to 518 apply to statutes. (b) a general description of the land use rules specified for the phased development agreement; (a) whether there is a progressive development agreement directly related to the construction and installation of surplus or extended services, which goes beyond fifteen years from the completion date of services or the end of the progressive development agreement, as appropriate; The local government may, with the agreement of the school board, give the value of this land or