24 (1) If an agent acting within the power of a representation agreement does not know and could reasonably have known that the agreement or provision of the agreement is not effective or invalid, is the representative preparing an agreement of power or representation during the coronavirus? There is currently a departmental regulation that temporarily allows remote signature and certified documents. For more information on remote witness requirements, see our information on developing planning documents during coronavirus. 26 (1) A person designated as a representative, substitute or observer in a representation agreement is not entitled to remuneration for his or her representative or observer activity, unless the representative in a standard representation agreement cannot: in a standard representation agreement, an adult may authorize the representative to make decisions on any of the following points : e) anything that is inappropriate in the making, the use or revocation of a representation agreement (a) is not terminated solely because the adult is no longer able to subsequently enter into a representation agreement that confers that power on a representative (4) To be qualified as a monitor in a representation agreement, a person must be at least 19 years of age and ready and able to perform the duties and exercise the powers of a monitor. 3. An adult who is not required to designate a monitor under subsection 1 may choose to designate, in a representation agreement, a person who meets the requirements of the subsection (4). Contains information about representation agreements in general, and the page menu on the page contains a RA 7 fact sheet, a RA 9 fact sheet, a list of resources and links. 21 .1. At the request of a representative or other interested person, the public custodian and the agent may appoint a monitor replacing a compensation protection officer, appointed in a representation agreement or appointed in accordance with this section or in accordance with this section or section 30, paragraph 3, point g.1), where a representation agreement cannot authorize the remuneration of a representative. , a representative or monitor for an adult decision. , the representative, deputy representative or observer covered by Part 2 of the Consent and Care Facility (Admission) Act, and any provision in a representation agreement purporting to authorize such compensation is null and void in this regard.