In some situations, there is also an agreement between the nouns and their qualifiers and their modifiers. This is common in languages such as French and Spanish, where articles, determinants and adjectives (both attribute and predictive) correspond in number to the names they describe: their example of numbers shows how woolly grammar rules become rigid. The singular ”number” is clearly the theme and is modified by the short preposition sentence ”objections.” The argument that the verb to be taken will be adapted to the sexier word ”objection” is just as vague as the argument against ”number.” In this context, ”objections” are as vague as ”numbers.” None of the words provides much information. The ”objections” suggest differences of opinion, but they sound metallic in relation to the carnal sound of ”numbers.” However, replace another word with ”number,” as ”pattern,” and it is not so easy to insert ”were” into the sentence. For the sake of clarity: ”Objections have been raised.” In nomine sentences, the adjectives do not show a match with the noun, although pronouns do. z.B. a szép k-nyveitekkel ”with your beautiful books” (”szép”: nice): the suffixes of the plural, the possessive ”your” and the fall marking ”with” are marked only on the name. Indeed, noun modifiers in languages such as German and Latin coincide with their subtantives in numbers, sex and cases; The three categories are mixed into declination paradigms. However, if the sentence begins with ”The number,” the following verb should be singular: ”The number of chairs available is 500,” for example, is true because the subject of the sentence is number, not chairs, and the number is a singular noun. (Of course, ”Five hundred chairs are available” – avoid starting a sentence with a single number – more direct and concise, but sometimes a more relaxed syntax is desirable.) In addition to the pre-name words of the variables listed above, there are a few immutable words that the noun must accept. All words except any nountitive (and therefore countable) as well as decimal numbers, z.B.
0.5 liter (see 67). Numbers in spoken English, #7). The rather common error in the use of a singular substrate according to an encrypted word is due, at least in part, to the fact that plurality is already visible in the meaning of the word digital, although the influence of the mother tongue may be an additional factor, since not all languages require a plural form according to a number. There is also a consensus between pronouns and precursors. Examples can be found in English (although English pronouns mainly follow natural sex and not grammatical sex): note that one becomes plural only if it means ”members of a indicated group” (see 63). Restrictions on the use of ”one” – there is no plural for the importance of people in general (see 211.